Export Organization Hierarchy from AD to Excel

Hi Readers,

Today I am sharing an important script that will export the organizational hierarchy from Active Directory using Powershell.

Thanks again to Quest management shell that has made life so easy.

 This will export upto 10 levels but you can modify it to export any number of  levels.

Just create a user. csv , I have used the path C:\scripts (change it accordingly in script if required)


#    Author: Vikas Sukhija
#    Date:- 11/14/2012
#Description:- This script  will use quest shell & grab the hierarchy details from AD
#Prerequisites :- Excel & Quest Shell

# call excel for writing the results

$objExcel = new-object -comobject excel.application
$workbook = $objExcel.Workbooks.Add()
$objExcel.Visible = $False

# define top level cell


#intitialize row out of the loop

$row = 1

#import quest management Shell

if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
    Add-PsSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement
$data = import-csv .\users.csv

#loop thru users

foreach ($i in $data)

#initialize column within the loop so that it always loop back to column 1
$col = 1
$user=get-qaduser $i.username
Write-host “Processing……………………………$user”
$manager = $user.manager
# loop until the manager field is null


# get user id that will be inserted in level columns

$userid = $user.DisplayName
$cells.item($row,$col) = $userid
#get titles that will be inserted in title columns
$title = $user.title
$cells.item($row,$col) = $title
$user = get-qaduser $manager
$manager = $user.manager

} While($manager -ne $null)

#formatting excel

$range = $objExcel.Range(“A2”).CurrentRegion
$range.ColumnWidth = 30
$range.Borders.Color = 0
$range.Borders.Weight = 2
$range.Interior.ColorIndex = 37
$range.Font.Bold = $false
$range.HorizontalAlignment = 3

# Headings in Bold


#save the excel file

$filepath = “c:\scripts\Hierarchy.xlsx”


 Enjoy the output now 🙂


Sukhija Vikas

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