Monitoring Event id thru Powershell

Hi Readers,

We were facing issues with IIS crash on some of the sharepoint servers, so We had written the below script in the link to monitor the crash event id & send us Alert in email if that happens.

Extract the script, schedule it for every 30 minutes( you can reduce this time, we had used it as it was crashing during night so 30 minutes was ok for us)

If you reduce the task scheduler to say 5 minutes than change the parameter in the script as well $daystocheck = [DateTime]::Now.AddMinutes(-5)

 Change the below Parameters:-

$fromadd = “”


$email2=””  #### example: for verizon

$smtpServer=”Smtp server”

$eventid = “5146”



# Author: Vikas Sukhija
# Date: 03/19/2013
# Description: Event ID 5146
# Monitoring for sharepoint servers

$fromadd = “”
$email2=”” #### example: for verizon
$smtpServer=”Smtp server”

$eventid = “5146”
$daystocheck = [DateTime]::Now.AddMinutes(-30)


$server_list | foreach-object {

$data = @()

$record=Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $_ -LogName system -MaxEvents 100
$coll = $record | where{($daystocheck -le $_.TimeCreated) -and ($ -eq $eventid)}
write-host “——————————————-” -foregroundcolor green
if($coll -ne $null)


$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)

#Mail sender
$msg.From = $fromadd
#mail recipient
$msg.Subject = “$eventid Crash $_”




Tech Wizard


2 thoughts on “Monitoring Event id thru Powershell

  1. Pingback: Monitoring Event ID with Powershell | Jacques DALBERA's IT world

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