Lync Account Termination

Sharing a script that you can use in your environment for terminating lync accounts for the users that have left the company.

if you are moving the terminated users to separate OU than this script will work flawlessly for you.

Download/extract the script from below link and change the variables/settings as per your requirements.

Github Link  –>

##############Import Modules###################

Import-Module ‘C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Modules\Lync\Lync.psd1’

##############Add variables/Log################
$log = Write-Log -folder logs -Name “Lync_Task” -Ext txt

$count = “100”

$pool1 = “”

$pool2 = “”

$pool3 = “”

$termcoll = @()

$ou1 = “OU=TerminatedAccts,DC=labtest,DC=com”

$ou2 = “OU=TerminatedAccts,OU=Europe,DC=labtest,DC=com”

$ou3 = “OU=TerminatedAccts,OU=NA-US1,DC=labtest,DC=com”

$ou4 = “OU=TerminatedAccts,OU=NA-US2,DC=labtest,DC=com”

$ou5 = “OU=TerminatedAccts,OU=NA-US3,DC=labtest,DC=com”

$ou6 = “OU=TerminatedAccts,OU=Asia,DC=labtest,DC=com”

$ou7 = “OU=TerminatedAccts,OU=INTL1,DC=labtest,DC=com”

$ou8 = “OU=TerminatedAccts,OU=INTL2,DC=labtest,DC=com”

$from = “”

$to = “”

$smtpserver = “”


This sample script shows three pools(used to differentiate it from online users),

8 terminated OU structure (it can be different in your environment)

Change the following code accordingly that follows your variables, for example you may have 2 OUs instead of 8.

Ones this is completed, just schedule the script daily to run it multiple times or as per your requirements.(log of termination will be sent in email)

$count controls the number of users that it should process so as  if error occurs in termination process no more than 100 users are disabled from lync server.

if number is more than $count than script will send the alert.

Script also counts number of active lync users after processing the terminations and send that in log email.

     Created on:       9/11/2017 1:37 PM 
     Created by:       Vikas Sukhija 
     Filename:         LyncTerminationTask.ps1 
        Process Lync Terminations 
##########ADd Functions####################### 
function Write-Log 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] 
    $log = @() 
    $date1 = get-date -format d 
    $date1 = $date1.ToString().Replace("/""-") 
    $time = get-date -format t 
    $time = $time.ToString().Replace(":""-") 
    $time = $time.ToString().Replace(" """) 
    foreach ($n in $name) 
        $log += (Get-Location).Path + "\" + $folder + "\" + $n + "_" + $date1 + "_" + $time + "_.$Ext" 
    return $log 
##############Import Modules################### 
Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Modules\Lync\Lync.psd1' 
##############Add variables/Log################ 
$log = Write-Log -folder logs -Name "Lync_Task" -Ext txt 
$count = "100" 
$pool1 = "" 
$pool2 = "" 
$pool3 = "" 
$termcoll = @() 
$ou1 = "OU=TerminatedAccts,DC=labtest,DC=com" 
$ou2 = "OU=TerminatedAccts,OU=Europe,DC=labtest,DC=com" 
$ou3 = "OU=TerminatedAccts,OU=NA-US1,DC=labtest,DC=com" 
$ou4 = "OU=TerminatedAccts,OU=NA-US2,DC=labtest,DC=com" 
$ou5 = "OU=TerminatedAccts,OU=NA-US3,DC=labtest,DC=com" 
$ou6 = "OU=TerminatedAccts,OU=Asia,DC=labtest,DC=com" 
$ou7 = "OU=TerminatedAccts,OU=INTL1,DC=labtest,DC=com" 
$ou8 = "OU=TerminatedAccts,OU=INTL2,DC=labtest,DC=com" 
$from = "" 
$to = "" 
$smtpserver = "" 
#####################Start processing################## 
Start-Transcript -Path $log 
$termcoll1 = Get-CsUser -OU $ou1 | where{ ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool1-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool2-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool3) } 
$termcoll2 = Get-CsUser -OU $ou2 | where{ ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool1-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool2-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool3) } 
$termcoll3 = Get-CsUser -OU $ou3 | where{ ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool1-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool2-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool3) } 
$termcoll4 = Get-CsUser -OU $ou4 | where{ ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool1-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool2-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool3) } 
$termcoll5 = Get-CsUser -OU $ou5 | where{ ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool1-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool2-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool3) } 
$termcoll6 = Get-CsUser -OU $ou6 | where{ ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool1-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool2-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool3) } 
$termcoll7 = Get-CsUser -OU $ou7 | where{ ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool1-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool2-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool3) } 
$termcoll8 = Get-CsUser -OU $ou8 | where{ ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool1-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool2-or ($_.RegistrarPool -like $pool3) } 
if ($termcoll1) { $termcoll +$termcoll1 } 
if ($termcoll2) { $termcoll +$termcoll2 } 
if ($termcoll3) { $termcoll +$termcoll3 } 
if ($termcoll4) { $termcoll +$termcoll4 } 
if ($termcoll5) { $termcoll +$termcoll5 } 
if ($termcoll6) { $termcoll +$termcoll6 } 
if ($termcoll7) { $termcoll +$termcoll7 } 
if ($termcoll8) { $termcoll +$termcoll8 } 
if (($termcoll.count -gt "0"-and ($termcoll.count -lt $count)) 
    Write-Host "Start disabling the Lync users" -ForegroundColor Yellow 
    $termcoll | ForEach-Object{ 
        $obj = $_.identity 
        Disable-csuser -identity $obj 
        Write-Host "processed .............$obj" -ForegroundColor Yellow 
elseif ($termcoll.count -eq "0") 
    Write-Host "Nothing to.............. process" -ForegroundColor green 
    Write-Host "Lync Termination Count is greater that $count - please check" -ForegroundColor green 
    Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtpserver -From $from -To $to -Subject "Lync Termination Count is greater that $count - please check" -Body "Lync Termination Count is greater that $count - please check" 
Write-Host "Counting all Active Users on Lync" -ForegroundColor green 
$alllyncusers = get-csuser 
$alllusr = $alllyncusers.count 
Write-Host "Total Lync Users: $alllusr" -ForegroundColor Green 
Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtpserver -From $from -To $to -Subject "Lync Daily Task" -Body "Attched log" -Attachments $log 


Thanks for reading and downloading

Sukhija Vikas

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