Update Active Directory User attributes from CSV

This script is another version of below script:


Only difference in the current one is : It has been updated to use Microsoft Active Directory Module.

Many of my acquaintances /followers have requested this from long time and one of my friend pushed to write it 🙂

So here you go:

This script will feed data from CSV file to Active directory user attributes.(It will overwrite the AD attributes)

Prerequisites:- Active directory module

CSV format:- This is attached along with the script.

Just extract the attached zip file & run the PS1 script.

for country & country codes use the right Names / codes


set-executionpolicy unrestricted (in powershell, if its giving error that script is not signed or sign the script)

run the script as —-> PS D:\FeedAD> .\FeedAD-OverWrite.ps1 .\Users.csv

Please rate the contribution if it worked for you.

Download & extract the script from below link.


Partial Code:-

## Author: Vikas Sukhija
## Date: 07-10-2012
## Updated: 03/04/2018
## modified : 06-08-2013 (made it folder independent)
## Updated : To be used with AD module.
## Description:- This script is used for feeding data to AD attributes

# Add AD module

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# Import CSV file that is populated with user id & email address

$now = Get-Date -format “dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm”

# replace : by –

$now = $now.ToString().Replace(“:”, “-“)

$data = import-csv $args[0]

# Loop thru the data from CSV

foreach ($i in $data)

$userid = $i.userid
$iaddress = $i.PhysicalAddress.Trim()
$iCity = $i.City.Trim()
$iCountry = $i.Country.Trim()
$iCountryCode = $i.CountryCode.Trim()
$iZip = $i.Zip.Trim()
$istate = $i.State.Trim()
$ioffice = $i.OfficeTelephone.Trim()

$userobject = get-aduser -id $userid -Properties “Co”, “C”, “StreetAddress”, “City”, “PostalCode”, “State”, “telephoneNumber”

$Address = $userobject.StreetAddress
$City = $userobject.City
$Country = $userobject.co
$Zip = $userobject.PostalCode
$State = $userobject.State
$Phone = $userobject.telephoneNumber

$Log = “.\logs\” + “Currentstate” + $now + “.log”

Add-Content $Log “——————”
Add-Content $Log “UserID:$userid”
Add-Content $Log “Address:$Address”
Add-Content $Log “City:$City”
Add-Content $Log “Country:$Country”
Add-Content $Log “Zip:$Zip”
Add-Content $Log “State:$State”
Add-Content $Log “Phone:$Phone”
Add-Content $Log “——————”

# adding log to check current address is blank

if ($Address -like $null)

Write-host “$userid has blank Physical address”
$Log1 = “.\logs\” + “BlankAddress” + $now + “.log”
Add-content $Log1 “$userobject has blank Physical address”
# If address is Blank then populate the address from the csv file
$Log3 = “.\logs\” + “SetAddress” + $now + “.log”
Set-ADUser -id $userid -StreetAddress $iaddress
Add-content $Log3 “For $userid $iaddress as address has been set”
Write-Host “For $userid $iaddress as address has been set”
Add-content $Log3 “For $userid $iaddress Exception occured”
# adding log to check current address is not blank , then address will be overwritten.
$Log2 = “.\logs\” + “Currentaddress” + $now + “.log”
Set-ADUser -id $userid -StreetAddress $iaddress
Add-content $Log2 “For $userid $iaddress as address has been OverWritten”
Write-host “$userid has been overwritten with $iaddress as Current Physical address”
Add-content $Log2 “For $userid $iaddress Exception occured”

if ($City -like $null)
Write-host “$userid has blank City”
$Log1 = “.\logs\” + “BlankCity” + $now + “.log”
Add-content $Log1 “$userid has blank City”
$Log3 = “.\logs\” + “SetCity” + $now + “.log”
Set-ADUser -id $userid -City $iCity
Add-content $Log3 “For $userid $iCity as city has been set”
Write-Host “For $userid $iCity as city has been set”
Add-content $Log3 “For $userid $iCity Exception occured”

$Log2 = “.\logs\” + “CurrentCity” + $now + “.log”
Set-ADUser -id $userid -City $iCity
Add-content $Log2 “For $userid $iCity as Current City”
Write-host “$userid has been overwritten with $iCity as Current City has been OverWritten”
Add-content $Log2 “For $userid $iCity Exception occured”


if ($Country -like $null)
Write-host “$userid has blank Country”
$Log1 = “.\logs\” + “BlankCountry” + $now + “.log”
Add-content $Log1 “$userid has blank Country”
$Log3 = “.\logs\” + “SetCountry” + $now + “.log”
Set-ADUser -id $userid -replace @{ co = $iCountry }
Set-ADUser -id $userid -replace @{ c = $iCountryCode }
Add-content $Log3 “For $userid $iCountry as Country has been set”
Write-Host “For $userid $iCountry as Country has been set”
Add-content $Log3 “For $userid $iCountry Exception occured”


$Log2 = “.\logs\” + “CurrentCountry” + $now + “.log”
Set-ADUser -id $userid -replace @{ co = $iCountry }
Set-ADUser -id $userid -replace @{ c = $iCountryCode }
Add-content $Log2 “For $userid $iCountry as Current Country has been OverWritten”
Write-host “$userid has been overwritten with $iCountry as Current Country”
Add-content $Log2 “For $userid $iCountry Exception occured”


###############################################Postal Code##########################################################

if ($Zip -like $null)
Write-host “$userid has blank Zip”
$Log1 = “.\logs\” + “BlankZip” + $now + “.log”
Add-content $Log1 “$userid has blank Zip”
$Log3 = “.\logs\” + “SetZIP” + $now + “.log”
Set-ADUser -id $userid -PostalCode $iZip
Add-content $Log3 “For $userid $iZip as ZIP has been set”
Write-Host “For $userid $iZip as ZIP has been set”
Add-content $Log3 “For $userid $iZip Exception occured”

$Log2 = “.\logs\” + “CurrentZip” + $now + “.log”
Set-ADUser -id $userid -PostalCode $iZip
Add-content $Log2 “For $userid $iZip as Current ZIP has been OverWritten”
Write-host “$userid has been overwritten with $iZip as Current ZIP”
Add-content $Log2 “For $userid $iZip Exception occured”

if ($State -like $null)
Write-host “$userid has blank State”
$Log1 = “.\logs\” + “BlankState” + $now + “.log”
Add-content $Log1 “$userid has blank State”
$Log3 = “.\logs\” + “SetState” + $now + “.log”
Set-ADUser -id $userid -State $istate
Add-content $Log3 “For $userid $istate as State has been set”
Write-Host “For $userid $istate as State has been set”
Add-content $Log3 “For $userid $istate Exception occured”


$Log2 = “.\logs\” + “CurrentState” + $now + “.log”
Set-ADUser -id $userid -State $istate
Add-content $Log2 “For $userid $istate as Current State has been OverWritten”
Write-host “$userid has been overwritten with $istate as Current State”
Add-content $Log2 “For $userid $istate Exception occured”


if ($Phone -like $null)
Write-host “$userid has blank Phone”
$Log1 = “.\logs\” + “BlankPhone” + $now + “.log”
Add-content $Log1 “$userid has blank Phone”
$Log3 = “.\logs\” + “SetState” + $now + “.log”
Set-ADUser -id $userid -replace @{ telephoneNumber = $ioffice }
Add-content $Log3 “For $userid $ioffice as Telephone has been set”
Write-Host “For $userid $ioffice as Telephone has been set”
Add-content $Log3 “For $userid $ioffice Exception occured”


$Log2 = “.\logs\” + “CurrentPhone” + $now + “.log”
Set-ADUser -id $userid -replace @{ telephoneNumber = $ioffice }
Add-content $Log2 “For $userid $ioffice as Current Telephone has been OverWritten”
Write-host “$userid has been overwritten with $ioffice as Current Telephone”
Add-content $Log2 “For $userid $ioffice Exception occured”

Thanks for reading

Vikas Sukhija


5 thoughts on “Update Active Directory User attributes from CSV

  1. good day

    i am in need of assistance of updating AD user attributes , i would like to do a bulk attribute update, however i would i like to test one user for now, so i downloaded the above script from your site and created my own users.csv file with the following headers

    samaaccountname – department – title – c

    however when i run your powershell script i get the following error

    import-csv cannot validate argument on paramameter ‘Path’. the argument is null or empty

      • i am very new to this, can you maybe help me with updating the script for my needs

        i need to use the sAMAccountName to update the department title and Country

        i will really appreciate it if you can

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