Remove Messages Based on Message Class – Outlook Powershell

Hi Readers,

Sharing a script that we have written to remove EnterpriseVault Shortcut (IPM.Note.EnterpriseVault.ShortCut) items from the outlook.

Download the zip file from below & extract it.

Below are the contents of the zip file, you can edit the .ps1 file & change the Class if required.

$messageclass = “IPM.Note.EnterpriseVault.ShortCut”

There is a registry key that can be imported so that outlook popup waring to allow the program can be supressed.

Now launch outlook.

Run the Batch file , it will popup as below enter the outlook profile display Name(that is displayed in above screen/shaded out) & in target add Deleted Items.


Now script will start processing & move the enterprisevault shortcut items to deleted folder.

#             Author: Vikas Sukhija 
#             Date:- 11/10/2014 
#                       Description:- Delete EnterPriseVault Shortcuts 
#                       Prerequisites :- Powershell/Outlook 
$date = get-date -format d 
$date = $date.ToString().Replace(“/”, “-”) 
$time = get-date -format t 
$time = $time.ToString().Replace(":""-"$time = $time.ToString().Replace(" """) 
$log1 = ".\Logs" + "\" + "Processed_1" + $date + "_.log" 
$log2 = ".\Logs" + "\" + "Processed_2" + $date + "_.log" 
$logs = ".\Logs" + "\" + "Powershell" + $date + "_" + $time + "_.txt" 
$messageclass = "IPM.Note.EnterpriseVault.ShortCut" 
#########################Creating custom Button###################################### 
function button ($title,$mailbx,$TF) { 
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( "System.Windows.Forms")  
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( "Microsoft.VisualBasic")  
    $form = New-Object "System.Windows.Forms.Form"; 
    $form.Width = 500; 
    $form.Height = 150; 
    $form.Text = $title; 
    $form.StartPosition = [System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition]::CenterScreen; 
    $textLabel1 = New-Object "System.Windows.Forms.Label"; 
    $textLabel1.Left = 25; 
    $textLabel1.Top = 15; 
    $textLabel1.Text = $mailbx; 
    $textLabel3 = New-Object "System.Windows.Forms.Label"; 
    $textLabel3.Left = 25; 
    $textLabel3.Top = 65; 
    $textLabel3.Text = $TF; 
    $textBox1 = New-Object "System.Windows.Forms.TextBox"; 
    $textBox1.Left = 150; 
    $textBox1.Top = 10; 
    $textBox1.width = 200;     
    $textBox3 = New-Object "System.Windows.Forms.TextBox"; 
    $textBox3.Left = 150; 
    $textBox3.Top = 65; 
    $textBox3.width = 200; 
    $defaultValue = "" 
    $textBox1.Text = $defaultValue; 
    $textBox3.Text = $defaultValue; 
    $button = New-Object "System.Windows.Forms.Button"; 
    $button.Left = 360; 
    $button.Top = 65; 
    $button.Width = 100; 
    $button.Text = "Ok"; 
    $eventHandler = [System.EventHandler]{ 
    $button.Add_Click($eventHandler) ; 
    $ret = $form.ShowDialog(); 
    return  $textBox1.Text, $textBox3.Text 
$return= button "Enter Folders" "Enter mailbox" "Target Folder" 
#Start-Transcript -Path $logs  
$mbx = $return[0]   
$tfold = $return[1] 
Write-host "Mailbox is $mbx" -foregroundcolor Green 
Write-host "Target folder $tfold" -foregroundcolor Green 
$date1 = get-date 
add-content $log2 "$date1 - Script Started"  
######################Get All folders############################################## 
$logN = ".\Logs" + "\" + $mbx + "_.log" 
if(test-path $logN) 
Del $logN 
function Get-MailboxFolder($folder) 
"{0}" -$ 
foreach ($f in $folder.folders) 
Get-MailboxFolder $f 
$ol = new-object -com Outlook.Application 
$ns = $ol.GetNamespace("MAPI"$mailbox = $ns.stores | where {$_.DisplayName -like $mbx$mailbox.GetRootFolder().folders | foreach { $fl= Get-MailboxFolder $_ 
ADD-Content $logN $fl} 
Function RemoveMessages ($mbx,$fold,$tfold) 
#############################outlook Call############################################# 
$outlook = new-object -com outlook.application; 
$ns = $outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI"); 
$inbox = $ns.Folders.Item($mbx).folders.Item($fold$messages = $inbox.items 
$totalemail = $messages.count 
write-host "Total Messages to process $totalemail"  -foregroundcolor green 
$date1 = get-date 
add-content $log2 "$date1 - Total Messages to process $totalemail"  
$messcount = $messages.count 
$countprocessed = 0 
$countprocessed1 = 0 
#########################Find messages with Class ########################## 
foreach($message in $messages){ 
$mclass = $message.MessageClass 
write-host $mclass -foregroundcolor blue 
if($mclass -like $messageclass) 
                $countprocessed = $countprocessed +1  
write-host "Total Messages to be processed $countprocessed"  -foregroundcolor Green 
$date1 = get-date 
add-content $log2 "$date1 - Total Messages to be processed $countprocessed"  
################################Move Messages################################# 
$countprocessed1 = $countprocessed 
while($countprocessed1 -ne "0") 
$outlook = new-object -com outlook.application; 
$ns = $outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI"); 
$inbox = $ns.Folders.Item($mbx).folders.Item($fold$messages = $inbox.items 
$totalemail = $messages.count 
write-host "Total Messages to process $totalemail"  -foregroundcolor green 
foreach($message in $messages){ 
$mclass = $message.MessageClass 
write-host $mclass -foregroundcolor blue 
if($mclass -like $messageclass) 
                $MoveTarget = $ns.Folders.Item($mbx).folders.Item($tfold) 
                $countprocessed1 = $countprocessed1 +1 
write-host "Total Messages processed $countprocessed1"  -foregroundcolor Red 
get-content $logN | foreach{if($_ -notlike "Deleted Items"){ RemoveMessages $mbx $_ $tfold}} 

8 thoughts on “Remove Messages Based on Message Class – Outlook Powershell

  1. Pingback: Remove EnterPriseVault Shortcut Class Message after Office 365 Migration | Microsoft Technologies Blog

  2. I remove Enterprise Vault Shortcut, using the following command:
    Search-Mailbox -Identity $user -SearchQuery ‘”IPM.NOTE.EnterpriseVault.Shortcut”‘ -DeleteContent

  3. How Can you delete stubs that are stored in Archive mailbox in Office 365? If I set Mailbox as and Target Folder as Deleted Items, will it also search in my online archive and delete messages? I can’t get it to work?


  4. I manage to delete Symantec email archiving stubs using loop through days one day at time to get around the 10000 limit of search mailbox.
    for($iDay = $TESTDate_Start; $iDay -lt $TESTDate_End; $iDay = $iDay.AddDays(1)) {

    Write-Host $iDay.ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd”) -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black

    ### count back down days to start 1 January 2018
    $Day1 = $iDay.ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd”)
    $SearchDateRange = “Sent:$Day1”
    $MerssageClass = ‘”IPM.NOTE.EnterpriseVault.Shortcut”‘
    $MailSearchQuery = “$MerssageClass AND ($SearchDateRange)”
    $MailSearchQueryQuotationMarks = “`‘$($MailSearchQuery)`‘”

    Write-Host $MailSearchQueryQuotationMarks -BackgroundColor DarkGreen -ForegroundColor White

    Search-Mailbox -Identity CharmaineBl -SearchQuery $MailSearchQueryQuotationMarks -DeleteContent -Force


  5. Pingback: Remove EnterPriseVault Shortcut Class Message after Office 365 Migration | Tech Wizard

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