Report on Addition, Modification, Termination of Exchange users

Recently I came across a new requirement from application team that may be unique to our enviornment but still sharing the code for everyone else to us.

Requirement is below:

  • Report All employees except from vendor
  • Report any new addition from previous report
  • Report on PriomarySMTP modification as compare to previous report
  • Report on any removal of emplooyees mailbox
  • Report should check both Onpremise and Online world

Download and extract the script from below link that fulfills all the above criteria.



Logs: Transcript logs

psfile: Previous file

Report: All 4 reports based on time stamp

EmpFeedReport.ps1: Actual powershell Code

State-Email.csv: State file created when you run it first time.

Update the Variables inside the .ps1 script:


$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-60) #for report/logs rectention – Chnage the limit as per your requirement

$path1 = (Get-Location).Path + “\Logs”

$path2 = (Get-Location).Path + “\Report”

$path3 = (Get-Location).Path + “\Psfile”

$email1 = “”

$email2 = “”

$from = “”

$smtpserver = “SMTP Server”

$collmbx = @()

$collection = @()

$collection1 = @()

$Statefile = “.\State-Email.csv”

$regex = ‘^\d+$’  #This is for matching integer i.e employee id


First we are fetching all mailboxes from onpremise and online enviornment where curtomattribute11 matches intreger and customattribute10 is not like vendor.

$collmbx = get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited -RecipientTypeDetails “UserMailbox” | where{ ($_.CustomAttribute11 -match $regex) -and ($_.CustomAttribute10 -notlike “Vendor”) } | select Name, Customattribute11, PrimarySMTPAddress

$collmbx += get-remotemailbox -resultsize unlimited | where{ ($_.CustomAttribute11 -match $regex) -and ($_.CustomAttribute10 -notlike “Vendor”) } | select Name, Customattribute11, PrimarySMTPAddressWrite-Host “—————————–” -ForegroundColor Green

Now , we will compare the fetched data with the old data that is in state file to find out changes , Additions and removals from last feed.

refer the separate sections inside the script that shows use of compare-object and other comparison operations.

Note: On first run only state file will be created & on next run only other reprts based on changes will get created.

Sharing the code, please modify as per your requirement to reuse it.

     Created on:       12/8/2016 4:19 PM 
     Updated on:    01/08/2018 
     Created by:       Vikas Sukhija 
     Filename:         EmpfeedReport.ps1 
        This Script will send Report of Users to be added to BrainStorm 
        Master/Incremental List of users 
################Add Modules Exchange############################# 
If ((Get-PSSnapin | where { $_.Name -match "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010" }) -eq $null) 
    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 
###############ADD Logs & Variables################################ 
$date1 = get-date -format d 
$date1 = $date1.ToString().Replace("/""-"$time = get-date -format t 
$time = $time.ToString().Replace(":""-"$time = $time.ToString().Replace(" """) 
$log = (Get-Location).Path + "\Logs" + "\" + "Processed_PS_Logs" + $date1 + "_" + $time + "_.log" 
$report1 = (Get-Location).Path + "\Report" + "\" + "Report_Modified" + $date1 + "_" + $time + "_.csv" 
$report2 = (Get-Location).Path + "\Report" + "\" + "Report_ADDS" + $date1 + "_" + $time + "_.csv" 
$report3 = (Get-Location).Path + "\Report" + "\" + "Report_Delete" + $date1 + "_" + $time + "_.csv" 
$report4 = (Get-Location).Path + "\Report" + "\" + "Report_Master" + $date1 + "_" + $time + "_.csv" 
$psfile = (Get-Location).Path + "\Psfile" + "\" + "Psfile" + $date1 + "_" + $time + "_.csv" 
$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-60) #for report recycling 
$path1 = (Get-Location).Path + "\Logs" 
$path2 = (Get-Location).Path + "\Report" 
$path3 = (Get-Location).Path + "\Psfile" 
$email1 = "" 
$email2 = "" 
$from = "" 
$smtpserver = "SMTP Server" 
$collmbx = @() 
$collection = @() 
$collection1 = @() 
$Statefile = ".\State-Email.csv" 
$regex = '^\d+$' 
################Email Function##################### 
function Send-Email 
    $message = new-object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage 
    $message.From = $from 
    if ($To -ne $null) 
        $To | ForEach-Object{ 
            $to1 = $_ 
    if ($cc -ne $null) 
        $cc | ForEach-Object{ 
            $cc1 = $_ 
    if ($bcc -ne $null) 
        $bcc | ForEach-Object{ 
            $bcc1 = $_ 
    $message.IsBodyHtml = $True 
    if ($subject -ne $null) 
        $message.Subject = $Subject 
    if ($attachment -ne $null) 
        $attach = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($attachment) 
    if ($body -ne $null) 
        $message.body = $body 
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpserver) 
if ($error) 
    Write-Host "Error in initialization"; 
    Send-Email -To $email2 -From $from -subject "BrainStrom Report Script initialization failure" -smtpserver $smtpserver 
    timeout 10; exit 
Start-Transcript -path $log 
################ Collect All mailboxes########################### 
Write-Host "Fetching mailbox data Started" -ForegroundColor Green 
Write-Host "-----------------------------" -ForegroundColor Green 
$collmbx = get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited -RecipientTypeDetails "UserMailbox" | where{ ($_.CustomAttribute11 -match $regex-and ($_.CustomAttribute10 -notlike "Vendor") } | select Name, Customattribute11, PrimarySMTPAddress 
$collmbx += get-remotemailbox -resultsize unlimited | where{ ($_.CustomAttribute11 -match $regex-and ($_.CustomAttribute10 -notlike "Vendor") } | select Name, Customattribute11, PrimarySMTPAddress 
Write-Host "-----------------------------" -ForegroundColor Green 
Write-Host "Fetching mailbox data Finished" -ForegroundColor Green 
if ($error) 
    Write-Host "Error in Fetching mailboxes data from Exchnage"; 
    Send-Email -To $email2 -From $from -subject "BrainStrom Report error fetching mailboxes" -smtpserver $smtpserver 
    Stop-Transcript; timeout 10; exit 
If (!(Test-Path $Statefile)) 
    $collmbx | select Name, Customattribute11, PrimarySMTPAddress | Export-csv $Statefile -NoTypeInformation 
#########################Start comparison########################## 
$stcsv = import-csv $Statefile 
$coll = @() 
$Changes = Compare-Object $stcsv $collmbx -property Customattribute11, PrimarySMTPAddress | 
Select-Object customattribute11, PrimarySMTPAddress, @{ 
    n  = 'State'; e = { 
        If ($_.SideIndicator -eq "=>") { "Current" } 
        elseif ($_.SideIndicator -eq "<=") { "Previous" } 
        else { "Ignore" } 
if ($changes) 
    $Changes | foreach-object{ 
        $mcoll = "" | select Name, customattribute11, PreviousSMTP, NewSMTP 
        if ($_.state -eq "Previous") 
            $cus1 = $_.customattribute11 
            $Name = ($collmbx | where{ $_.customattribute11 -eq $cus1 }).name 
            $PreviousSMTP = $_.PrimarySMTPAddress 
            foreach ($chg in $Changes) 
                if (($cus1 -eq $chg.customattribute11) -and ($chg.state -eq "Current")) 
                    $NewSMTP = $chg.PrimarySMTPAddress 
                    $mcoll.Name = $Name 
                    $mcoll.customattribute11 = $cus1 
                    $mcoll.PreviousSMTP = $PreviousSMTP 
                    $mcoll.NewSMTP = $NewSMTP 
        $collection +$mcoll 
    $collection1 = $collection | where{ $ -ne $null } 
    if ($collection1) 
        $tcoll = $null 
        $tcollection = @() 
        $collection1 | ForEach-Object{ 
            $tcoll = "" | select Department, Name, OldEmail, NewEmail, FirstName, LastName, Title, SystemGroup, UserGroup 
            $user = $null 
            $user = get-user $_.Name 
            $tcoll.Department = $user.department 
            $tcoll.Name = $_.Name 
            $tcoll.OldEmail = $_.PreviousSMTP 
            $tcoll.NewEmail = $_.NewSMTP 
            $tcoll.FirstName = $user.FirstName 
            $tcoll.LastName = $user.LastName 
            $tcoll.Title = $user.Title 
            $tcoll.SystemGroup = "All LAB" 
            $tcoll.UserGroup = "" 
            $tcollection +$tcoll 
        $tcollection | Export-Csv $report1 -NoTypeInformation 
$mcoll = $null 
$difference = $null 
$collection = @() 
$collection1 = @() 
if ($changes) 
    $current = $Changes | where{ $_.state -eq "Current" } | select -expand customattribute11 
    $previous = $stcsv | select -expand customattribute11 
    $difference = @() 
    $current | ForEach-Object{ 
        if ($previous -notcontains $_) 
            $difference +$_ 
    $difference | ForEach-Object{ 
        $cus1 = $_ 
        $mcoll = "" | select Name, customattribute11, SMTP 
        $diffmbx = ($collmbx | where{ $_.customattribute11 -eq $cus1 }) 
        $mcoll.Name = $diffmbx.Name 
        $mcoll.customattribute11 = $diffmbx.customattribute11 
        $mcoll.SMTP = $diffmbx.PrimarySMTPAddress 
        $collection +$mcoll 
    $collection1 = $collection | where{ $ -ne $null } 
    if ($collection1) 
        $tcoll = $null 
        $tcollection = @() 
        $collection1 | ForEach-Object{ 
            $tcoll = "" | select Department, Name, Email, FirstName, LastName, Title, SystemGroup, UserGroup 
            $user = $null 
            $user = get-user $_.Name 
            $tcoll.Department = $user.department 
            $tcoll.Name = $_.Name 
            $tcoll.Email = $_.SMTP 
            $tcoll.FirstName = $user.FirstName 
            $tcoll.LastName = $user.LastName 
            $tcoll.Title = $user.Title 
            $tcoll.SystemGroup = "All LAB" 
            $tcoll.UserGroup = "" 
            $tcollection +$tcoll 
        $tcollection | Export-Csv $report2 -NoTypeInformation 
$mcoll = $null 
$collection = @() 
$collection1 = @() 
if ($changes) 
    $current = $collmbx | select -expand customattribute11 
    $previous = $stcsv | select -expand customattribute11 
    $difference = Compare-Object $collmbx $stcsv 
    $previous | ForEach-Object{ 
        if ($current -notcontains $_) 
            $difference +$_ 
    $difference | ForEach-Object{ 
        $cus1 = $_ 
        $mcoll = "" | select Name, customattribute11, SMTP 
        $diffmbx = ($stcsv | where{ $_.customattribute11 -eq $cus1 }) 
        $mcoll.Name = $diffmbx.Name 
        $mcoll.customattribute11 = $diffmbx.customattribute11 
        $mcoll.SMTP = $diffmbx.PrimarySMTPAddress 
        $collection +$mcoll 
    $collection1 = $collection | where{ $ -ne $null } 
    if ($collection1) 
        $tcoll = $null 
        $tcollection = @() 
        $collection1 | ForEach-Object{ 
            $tcoll = "" | select Department, Name, Email, FirstName, LastName, Title, SystemGroup, UserGroup 
            $user = $null 
            $user = get-user $_.Name 
            $tcoll.Department = $user.department 
            $tcoll.Name = $_.Name 
            $tcoll.Email = $_.SMTP 
            $tcoll.FirstName = $user.FirstName 
            $tcoll.LastName = $user.LastName 
            $tcoll.Title = $user.Title 
            $tcoll.SystemGroup = "All LAB" 
            $tcoll.UserGroup = "" 
            $tcollection +$tcoll 
        $tcollection | Export-Csv $report3 -NoTypeInformation 
Copy-Item $Statefile $psfile 
timeout 5 
$collmbx | Export-Csv $Statefile -NoTypeInformation # new state 
##########################Full Feed######################################## 
$mcoll = $null 
$collection = @() 
$collection1 = @() 
if ($collmbx) 
    $tcoll = $null 
    $tcollection = @() 
    $collmbx | ForEach-Object{ 
        $tcoll = "" | select Department, Name, Email, FirstName, LastName, Title, SystemGroup, UserGroup 
        $user = $null 
        $user = get-user $_.Name | select Department, FirstName, LastName, Title 
        $tcoll.Department = $user.department 
        $tcoll.Name = $_.Name 
        $tcoll.Email = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress 
        $tcoll.FirstName = $user.FirstName 
        $tcoll.LastName = $user.LastName 
        $tcoll.Title = $user.Title 
        $tcoll.SystemGroup = "All LAB" 
        $tcoll.UserGroup = "" 
        $tcollection +$tcoll 
$tcollection | Export-Csv $report4 -NoTypeInformation 
if ($error) 
    Send-Email -To $email2 -From $from -subject "Email Address Change error Report" -body $Error -smtpserver $smtpserver 
if (Test-Path $report1) { Send-Email -To $email1 -bcc $email2 -From $from -subject "BrainStorm Feed Modfified Report" -attachment $report1 -smtpserver $smtpserver } 
if (Test-Path $report2) { Send-Email -To $email1 -bcc $email2 -From $from -subject "BrainStorm Feed ADD Report" -attachment $report1 -smtpserver $smtpserver } 
if (Test-Path $report3) { Send-Email -To $email1 -bcc $email2 -From $from -subject "BrainStorm Feed Delete Report" -attachment $report1 -smtpserver $smtpserver } 
if (Test-Path $report4) { Send-Email -To $email1 -bcc $email2 -From $from -subject "BrainStorm Feed Master Report" -attachment $report1 -smtpserver $smtpserver } 
Get-ChildItem -Path $path1 | Where-Object { 
    $_.CreationTime -lt $limit 
} | Remove-Item -recurse -Force 
Get-ChildItem -Path $path2 | Where-Object { 
    $_.CreationTime -lt $limit 
} | Remove-Item -recurse -Force 
Get-ChildItem -Path $path3 | Where-Object { 
    $_.CreationTime -lt $limit 
} | Remove-Item -recurse -Force 

Thanks for Reading

Vikas Sukhija

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