Active Directory Health Check


New Version :

Hi Readers,

Sharing a script that can be used for checking AD Health, This script is similar to one of my other health Check scripts that we use for exchnage.

This will check below:

Ping,Netlogon,NTDS,DNS,DCdiag Test(Replication,sysvol,Services)

Just download the zip file from below link & run the batch file using Admin privileges.

Below is the report that will arrive in your mailbox.

Change Variables in .ps1 as needed:

$smtphost = “”

$from = “”

$to = “”

$timeout = “60”


#       Author: Vikas Sukhija 
#       Reviewer:     
#       Date: 12/25/2014 
#       Satus: Ping,Netlogon,NTDS,DNS,DCdiag Test(Replication,sysvol,Services) 
#       Description: AD Health Status 
###########################Define Variables################################## 
$reportpath = ".\ADReport.htm"  
if((test-path $reportpath-like $false) 
new-item $reportpath -type file 
$smtphost = ""  
$from = ""  
$to = "" 
$timeout = "60" 
###############################HTml Report Content############################ 
$report = $reportpath 
Clear-Content $report  
Add-Content $report "<html>"  
Add-Content $report "<head>"  
Add-Content $report "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>"  
Add-Content $report '<title>Exchange Status Report</title>'  
add-content $report '<STYLE TYPE="text/css">'  
add-content $report  "<!--"  
add-content $report  "td {"  
add-content $report  "font-family: Tahoma;"  
add-content $report  "font-size: 11px;"  
add-content $report  "border-top: 1px solid #999999;"  
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add-content $report  "padding-bottom: 0px;"  
add-content $report  "padding-left: 0px;"  
add-content $report  "}"  
add-content $report  "body {"  
add-content $report  "margin-left: 5px;"  
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add-content $report  "margin-right: 0px;"  
add-content $report  "margin-bottom: 10px;"  
add-content $report  ""  
add-content $report  "table {"  
add-content $report  "border: thin solid #000000;"  
add-content $report  "}"  
add-content $report  "-->"  
add-content $report  "</style>"  
Add-Content $report "</head>"  
Add-Content $report "<body>"  
add-content $report  "<table width='100%'>"  
add-content $report  "<tr bgcolor='Lavender'>"  
add-content $report  "<td colspan='7' height='25' align='center'>"  
add-content $report  "<font face='tahoma' color='#003399' size='4'><strong>Active Directory Health Check</strong></font>"  
add-content $report  "</td>"  
add-content $report  "</tr>"  
add-content $report  "</table>"  
add-content $report  "<table width='100%'>"  
Add-Content $report  "<tr bgcolor='IndianRed'>"  
Add-Content $report  "<td width='5%' align='center'><B>Identity</B></td>"  
Add-Content $report  "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>PingSTatus</B></td>"  
Add-Content $report  "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>NetlogonService</B></td>"  
Add-Content $report  "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>NTDSService</B></td>"  
Add-Content $report  "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>DNSServiceStatus</B></td>"  
Add-Content $report  "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>NetlogonsTest</B></td>" 
Add-Content $report  "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>ReplicationTest</B></td>" 
Add-Content $report  "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>ServicesTest</B></td>" 
Add-Content $report "</tr>"  
#####################################Get ALL DC Servers################################# 
$getForest = [system.directoryservices.activedirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest() 
$DCServers = $ | ForEach-Object {$_.DomainControllers} | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}  
################Ping Test###### 
foreach ($DC in $DCServers){ 
$Identity = $DC 
                Add-Content $report "<tr>" 
if ( Test-Connection -ComputerName $DC -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) { 
Write-Host $DC `t $DC `t Ping Success -ForegroundColor Green 
        Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'GainsBoro' align=center>  <B> $Identity</B></td>"  
                Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center>  <B>Success</B></td>"  
                ##############Netlogon Service Status################ 
        $serviceStatus = start-job -scriptblock {get-service -ComputerName $($args[0]) -Name "Netlogon" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} -ArgumentList $DC 
                wait-job $serviceStatus -timeout $timeout 
                if($serviceStatus.state -like "Running") 
                 Write-Host $DC `t Netlogon Service TimeOut -ForegroundColor Yellow 
                 Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Yellow' align=center><B>NetlogonTimeout</B></td>" 
                 stop-job $serviceStatus 
                $serviceStatus1 = Receive-job $serviceStatus 
                 if ($serviceStatus1.status -eq "Running") { 
            Write-Host $DC `t $ `t $serviceStatus1.status -ForegroundColor Green  
                $svcName = $  
                $svcState = $serviceStatus1.status           
                Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center><B>$svcState</B></td>"  
                 Write-Host $DC `t $ `t $serviceStatus1.status -ForegroundColor Red  
               $svcName = $  
               $svcState = $serviceStatus1.status           
               Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center><B>$svcState</B></td>"  
                ##############NTDS Service Status################ 
        $serviceStatus = start-job -scriptblock {get-service -ComputerName $($args[0]) -Name "NTDS" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} -ArgumentList $DC 
                wait-job $serviceStatus -timeout $timeout 
                if($serviceStatus.state -like "Running") 
                 Write-Host $DC `t NTDS Service TimeOut -ForegroundColor Yellow 
                 Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Yellow' align=center><B>NTDSTimeout</B></td>" 
                 stop-job $serviceStatus 
                $serviceStatus1 = Receive-job $serviceStatus 
                 if ($serviceStatus1.status -eq "Running") { 
            Write-Host $DC `t $ `t $serviceStatus1.status -ForegroundColor Green  
                $svcName = $  
                $svcState = $serviceStatus1.status           
                Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center><B>$svcState</B></td>"  
                 Write-Host $DC `t $ `t $serviceStatus1.status -ForegroundColor Red  
               $svcName = $  
               $svcState = $serviceStatus1.status           
               Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center><B>$svcState</B></td>"  
                ##############DNS Service Status################ 
        $serviceStatus = start-job -scriptblock {get-service -ComputerName $($args[0]) -Name "DNS" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} -ArgumentList $DC 
                wait-job $serviceStatus -timeout $timeout 
                if($serviceStatus.state -like "Running") 
                 Write-Host $DC `t DNS Server Service TimeOut -ForegroundColor Yellow 
                 Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Yellow' align=center><B>DNSTimeout</B></td>" 
                 stop-job $serviceStatus 
                $serviceStatus1 = Receive-job $serviceStatus 
                 if ($serviceStatus1.status -eq "Running") { 
            Write-Host $DC `t $ `t $serviceStatus1.status -ForegroundColor Green  
                $svcName = $  
                $svcState = $serviceStatus1.status           
                Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center><B>$svcState</B></td>"  
                 Write-Host $DC `t $ `t $serviceStatus1.status -ForegroundColor Red  
               $svcName = $  
               $svcState = $serviceStatus1.status           
               Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center><B>$svcState</B></td>"  
               ####################Netlogons status################## 
               add-type -AssemblyName microsoft.visualbasic  
               $cmp = "microsoft.visualbasic.strings" -as [type] 
               $sysvol = start-job -scriptblock {dcdiag /test:netlogons /s:$($args[0])} -ArgumentList $DC 
               wait-job $sysvol -timeout $timeout 
               if($sysvol.state -like "Running") 
               Write-Host $DC `t Netlogons Test TimeOut -ForegroundColor Yellow 
               Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Yellow' align=center><B>NetlogonsTimeout</B></td>" 
               stop-job $sysvol 
               $sysvol1 = Receive-job $sysvol 
               if($cmp::instr($sysvol1"passed test NetLogons")) 
                  Write-Host $DC `t Netlogons Test passed -ForegroundColor Green 
                  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center><B>NetlogonsPassed</B></td>" 
                  Write-Host $DC `t Netlogons Test Failed -ForegroundColor Red 
                  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center><B>NetlogonsFail</B></td>" 
               ####################Replications status################## 
               add-type -AssemblyName microsoft.visualbasic  
               $cmp = "microsoft.visualbasic.strings" -as [type] 
               $sysvol = start-job -scriptblock {dcdiag /test:Replications /s:$($args[0])} -ArgumentList $DC 
               wait-job $sysvol -timeout $timeout 
               if($sysvol.state -like "Running") 
               Write-Host $DC `t Replications Test TimeOut -ForegroundColor Yellow 
               Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Yellow' align=center><B>ReplicationsTimeout</B></td>" 
               stop-job $sysvol 
               $sysvol1 = Receive-job $sysvol 
               if($cmp::instr($sysvol1"passed test Replications")) 
                  Write-Host $DC `t Replications Test passed -ForegroundColor Green 
                  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center><B>ReplicationsPassed</B></td>" 
                  Write-Host $DC `t Replications Test Failed -ForegroundColor Red 
                  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center><B>ReplicationsFail</B></td>" 
           ####################Services status################## 
               add-type -AssemblyName microsoft.visualbasic  
               $cmp = "microsoft.visualbasic.strings" -as [type] 
               $sysvol = start-job -scriptblock {dcdiag /test:Services /s:$($args[0])} -ArgumentList $DC 
               wait-job $sysvol -timeout $timeout 
               if($sysvol.state -like "Running") 
               Write-Host $DC `t Services Test TimeOut -ForegroundColor Yellow 
               Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Yellow' align=center><B>ServicesTimeout</B></td>" 
               stop-job $sysvol 
               $sysvol1 = Receive-job $sysvol 
               if($cmp::instr($sysvol1"passed test Services")) 
                  Write-Host $DC `t Services Test passed -ForegroundColor Green 
                  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center><B>ServicesPassed</B></td>" 
                  Write-Host $DC `t Services Test Failed -ForegroundColor Red 
                  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center><B>ServicesFail</B></td>" 
Write-Host $DC `t $DC `t Ping Fail -ForegroundColor Red 
        Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'GainsBoro' align=center>  <B> $Identity</B></td>"  
                Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center>  <B>Ping Fail</B></td>"  
        Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center>  <B>Ping Fail</B></td>"  
        Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center>  <B>Ping Fail</B></td>"  
        Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center>  <B>Ping Fail</B></td>"  
        Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center>  <B>Ping Fail</B></td>" 
        Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center>  <B>Ping Fail</B></td>" 
        Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center>  <B>Ping Fail</B></td>" 
Add-Content $report "</tr>" 
############################################Close HTMl Tables########################### 
Add-content $report  "</table>"  
Add-Content $report "</body>"  
Add-Content $report "</html>"  
#############################################Send Email################################# 
$subject = "Active Directory Health Monitor"  
$body = Get-Content ".\ADreport.htm"  
$smtpNew-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient $smtphost  
$msg = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $from$to$subject$body  
$msg.isBodyhtml = $true  

Tech Wizard

PowerShell Fast Track

9 thoughts on “Active Directory Health Check

  1. Thank you for sharing this informative resource.
    Though, in my environment while need to check active directory health and running status, I use Lepide Active Directory Health Monitoring tool( ) that works well for me and provides immediate report if any error or non-working of any component like NTDS, DNS, or DHCP interrupts the overall working environment.
    However, I would like to give a try to this trick you have mentioned in blog post.

  2. Pingback: Need an active directory health check? - Savage Nomads

  3. This script you did is great!!

    Is there a way to Schedule this script? The last option I would use is Schedule task.

  4. Hi Vikas, Any Idea how can I include the date in the output of the output body of the email. I wanted to be sure about the Run date of this report too.

  5. Pingback: Active Directory Health Check V2 | Tech Wizard

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