Intune Cleanup Not Evaluated Devices

Another Intune Powershell magic to cleanup devices that have unknown status.

Here is the requirement from Intune team for automating the cleanup:

  • If a device fails enrollment, a record is still created.  Resolution would be check for any device with compliance status of “not evaluated” with an enrollment date of greater than 7 days and delete it.

Lets put some powershell magic now…

Before downloading the script make sure Intune Powershell module is installed. Please follow the below link

Now, download the below script from my github downloads:

Intune Cleanup Not Evaluated Devices

Run the script, it can be run in Report Only mode as well as execution mode.

Below parameters are required for the script to function:

  [string]$smtpserver = $(Read-Host “Enter SMTP Server”),
  [string]$from = $(Read-Host “Enter From Address”),
  [string]$email1 = $(Read-Host “Enter email Address for reports”),
  [string]$erroremail = $(Read-Host “Enter Address for Alerts and Errors”),
  [string]$reportOnly = $(Read-Host “Yes for Just report and No for removing duplicate records”),
  $Enrollmentdays = $(Read-Host “Enter teh number of days before which devices with unkown state will be deleted”),
  [string]$userId = $(Read-Host “Enter the Admin User id to conenct to Intune”),
  $pwd = $(Read-Host “Enter the passwrod” -AsSecureString),
  $countofchanges = $(Read-Host “Enter Count of changes to process before it breaks”)


Count of changes is the threshold to prevent any malicious actor coming into play.

On first run script will create the reports and logs folder, it will fetch all the devices in the organization, filter them by compliance state as “unknown” and enrolled date is less than days defined in the parameter.

  $getalldevices = Get-IntuneManagedDevice | Get-MSGraphAllPages | where{($_.complianceState -eq “unknown”) -and ($_.enrolledDateTime -lt $getdate )} | Select id,deviceName,enrolledDateTime,lastSyncDateTime,emailAddress,serialNumber,complianceState

You can select ReportOnly option as Yes on first run to perform the impact analysis, when you are sure run with the option of ReportOnly as No.

Below report will be generated, it will be saved in report folder as well as sent on email.

All my scripts recycle the logs/reports after 60 days, you can update that value if required at the end of the script.

$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-60) #for report recycling

You can also install/download it from Powershell Gallery

Install-Script -Name IntuneDeviceNotEvaluatedCleanup


Save-Script -Name IntuneDeviceNotEvaluatedCleanup -path c:\scripts

Here is the source code if you are not able to get it from any of the above methods.

    Created with:   ISE
    Created on:     5/28/2020 1:46 PM
    Created by:     Vikas Sukhija
    Filename:      IntuneDeviceNotEvaluatedCleanup.ps1
     Any device with compliance status of “not evaluated” with an enrollment date of greater than 7 days and delete it.
param (
  [string]$smtpserver = $(Read-Host “Enter SMTP Server”),
  [string]$from = $(Read-Host “Enter From Address”),
  [string]$email1 = $(Read-Host “Enter email Address for reports”),
  [string]$erroremail = $(Read-Host “Enter Address for Alerts and Errors”),
  [string]$reportOnly = $(Read-Host “Yes for Just report and No for removing duplicate records”),
  $Enrollmentdays = $(Read-Host “Enter teh number of days before which devices with unkown state will be deleted”),
  [string]$userId = $(Read-Host “Enter the Admin User id to conenct to Intune”),
  $pwd = $(Read-Host “Enter the passwrod” -AsSecureString),
  $countofchanges = $(Read-Host “Enter Count of changes to process before it breaks”)
function Write-Log
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = ‘Create’)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = ‘Create’)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = ‘Create’)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = ‘Create’,Position = 0)][switch]$Create,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = ‘Message’)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = ‘Message’)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,ParameterSetName = ‘Message’)]
    [string]$Severity = ‘Information’,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = ‘Message’,Position = 0)][Switch]$MSG
  switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
      $log = @()
      $date1 = Get-Date -Format d
      $date1 = $date1.ToString().Replace(“/”, “-“)
      $time = Get-Date -Format t
      $time = $time.ToString().Replace(“:”, “-“)
      $time = $time.ToString().Replace(” “, “”)
      foreach ($n in $Name)
      {$log += (Get-Location).Path + “\” + $folder + “\” + $n + “_” + $date1 + “_” + $time + “_.$Ext”}
      return $log
      $date = Get-Date
      $concatmessage = “|$date” + “|   |” + $Message +”|  |” + “$Severity|”
        “Information”{Write-Host -Object $concatmessage -ForegroundColor Green}
        “Warning”{Write-Host -Object $concatmessage -ForegroundColor Yellow}
        “Error”{Write-Host -Object $concatmessage -ForegroundColor Red}
      Add-Content -Path $path -Value $concatmessage
} #Function Write-Log
function Start-ProgressBar
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
  For ($i = 1; $i -le $Timer; $i++)
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1;
    Write-Progress -Activity $Title -Status “$i” -PercentComplete ($i /100 * 100)
#################Check if logs folder is created####
$logpath  = (Get-Location).path + “\logs”
$testlogpath = Test-Path -Path $logpath
if($testlogpath -eq $false)
  Start-ProgressBar -Title “Creating logs folder” -Timer 10
  New-Item -Path (Get-Location).path -Name Logs -Type directory
$Reportpath  = (Get-Location).path + “\Report”
$testlogpath = Test-Path -Path $Reportpath
if($testlogpath -eq $false)
  Start-ProgressBar -Title “Creating Report folder” -Timer 10
  New-Item -Path (Get-Location).path -Name Report -Type directory
####################Load variables and log####################
$log = Write-Log -Name “Intunenotevalcleanup-Log” -folder “logs” -Ext “log”
$Report = Write-Log -Name “Intunenotevalcleanup-Report” -folder “Report” -Ext “csv”
Write-Log -Message “Start…….Script” -path $log
$collection = @()
$getdate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$Enrollmentdays)
##################Userid & password#################
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $userId, $pwd
################connect to modules###################
  Connect-MSGraph -PSCredential $Credential
  Write-Log -Message “Intune Module Loaded” -path $log
  $exception = $_.Exception
  Write-Log -Message “Error loading AD/Intune Module Loaded” -path $log -Severity Error
  Write-Log -Message $exception -path $log -Severity error
  Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtpserver -To $erroremail -From $from -Subject “Error has occured loading AD?intune Module – IntuneDeviceNotEvaluatedCleanup” -Body $($_.Exception.Message)
#####################process devicess with compliant state as unknown####################
  $getalldevices = Get-IntuneManagedDevice | Get-MSGraphAllPages | where{($_.complianceState -eq “unknown”) -and ($_.enrolledDateTime -lt $getdate )} | Select id,deviceName,enrolledDateTime,lastSyncDateTime,emailAddress,serialNumber,complianceState
  $countdevices = $getalldevices.count
  Write-Log -Message “Count of devices with unkown compliance state $countdevices” -path $log
  $exception = $_.Exception
  Write-Log -Message “Error occured fetching unkown devices” -path $log -Severity Error
  Write-Log -Message $exception -path $log -Severity error
  Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtpserver -To $erroremail -From $from -Subject “Error occured fetching duplicate entries – IntuneDeviceNotEvaluatedCleanup” -Body $($_.Exception.Message)
############################Remove these devices from Intune##############################
if(( $countdevices -gt 0) -and ( $countdevices -lt $countofchanges)) {
  $getalldevices | ForEach-Object{
    $mcoll = “” | Select id,deviceName,enrolledDateTime,lastSyncDateTime,emailAddress,serialNumber,complianceState,status
    $ = $
    $mcoll.deviceName = $_.deviceName
    $mcoll.enrolledDateTime = $_.enrolledDateTime
    $mcoll.lastSyncDateTime = $_.lastSyncDateTime
    $mcoll.emailAddress = $_.emailAddress
    $mcoll.serialNumber = $_.serialNumber
    $mcoll.complianceState = $_.complianceState
    $srlnum = $_.serialNumber
    $emladd = $_.emailAddress
    $mgid = $_.ID
      if($reportonly -eq “No”){
        Remove-IntunemanagedDevice -manageddeviceID $
          $mcoll.Status= “Error”
          Write-Log -Message “Error occured deleting entry $srlnum – $emladd – $mgid” -path $log -Severity Error
          $mcoll.Status= “Success”
          Write-Log -Message “Success deleting entry $srlnum – $emladd – $mgid” -path $log
      if($reportonly -eq “Yes”){
         $mcoll.Status= “ReportOnlyMode”
         Write-Log -Message “Report onlymode – deleting entry $srlnum – $emladd – $mgid” -path $log
        $mcoll.ID= “Exception”
        $exception = $_.Exception
        Write-Log -Message “Error occured deleting entry $srlnum – $emladd – $mgid” -path $log -Severity Error
        Write-Log -Message $exception -path $log -Severity error
      $collection +=$mcoll
  $collection | Export-Csv $Report -NoTypeInformation
  Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtpserver -From $from -To $email1 -bcc $erroremail -Subject “Reports – IntuneDeviceNotEvaluatedCleanup” -Body “Reports – IntuneDeviceNotEvaluatedCleanup” -Attachments $report
elseif($countdevices  -gt $countofchanges)
  Write-Log -Message “Count is $countdevices  greater than $countofchanges” -path $log -Severity error
  Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtpserver -From $from -To $erroremail -Subject “Error Count is $countdevices  greater than $countofchanges – IntuneDeviceNotEvaluatedCleanup” -Body “Error Count is $countdevices greater than $countofchanges – IntuneDeviceNotEvaluatedCleanup”
$path1 = $logpath
$path2 = $Reportpath
$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-60) #for report recycling
Get-ChildItem -Path $path1 |
Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.CreationTime -lt $limit} |
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
Get-ChildItem -Path $path2 |
Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.CreationTime -lt $limit} |
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
Write-Log -Message “Script Finished” -path $log
Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtpserver -From $from -To $erroremail -Subject “IntuneDeviceNotEvaluatedCleanup – log” -Body “IntuneDeviceNotEvaluatedCleanup – log” -Attachments $log


Thanks for reading and downloading..

Tech Wizard


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