TIP – Python Key Error on Traversing SharePoint List

SharePoint, with its powerful collaboration and document management capabilities, is widely used in various organizations. Python, being a versatile programming language, is often employed to interact with SharePoint data using APIs. However, traversing SharePoint lists can sometimes lead to a common stumbling block – the elusive Python KeyError.

This error can be solved easily by suing try except statement inside the loop that you are using for traversing.

Understanding the KeyError:

A KeyError in Python occurs when a dictionary key is not found. In the context of SharePoint lists, it typically arises when attempting to access a key that doesn’t exist in the response received from the SharePoint API. This can happen for various reasons, and identifying the root cause is crucial for resolving the issue.

I encountered this when collecting items from SharePoint list and if a column value is empty.

Note: I have not faced this when doing the same with PowerShell.

Here is the error in StateCode as Value is Empty for it and code stops.

For resolving it We need to change the below code to and utilize Try and Except so that Python will process the code further

Here are the changes required:

This will avoid the KeyError error and your code will run further.

I hope this small TIP will assist you in resolving KeyErrors not only in SharePoint list but in variety of other situations where you are utilizing Python.


Thanks for reading…

Tech Wizard



PowerShell Fast Track

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